Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Duathalon Dynamos!

Lance and Seth - Duathalon - June 10, 2008
I'm so proud of Seth and Lance for running, biking and running AGAIN whith such speed! This photo was taken after their first run as they were ready to mount their bikes. Seth took 2nd place in his age group!! He's a fast little bugger!


Jennifer M said...

Wow! Good for them. Looks like fun--for those cheering them on.

Mix Family said...

awesome! welcome to the blogosphere! that duathalon sounds pretty tough. way to go!

The Ball Babies said...

Hey, congrats on the duathlon finish...what place did the dad take? We read about the son...
Keep runnin'!

Topsy said...

Nice Job!

Tracy said...

Okay - this is cool and all - but it's time for another post! Let's see who posts about McCall first!

Jenn and Tyler said...

Good job! Sounds like fun... and a lot of work!